Israel-Gaza War

IDF to release footage from tunnel where the hostages were kept and murdered

The footage, taken by IDF soldiers after discovering the tunnel, shows the difficult and inhumane conditions in which the six hostages were kept.

Shaft leading to tunnel where the six hostages were held. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF just announced (Tuesday) that they will be releasing the footage taken by IDF soldiers of the tunnel in which the six hostages were held and then murdered, in conditions that shocked the Israeli cabinet.

According to reports, the tunnel is shown to be so narrow that it is impossible to stand, with high humidity, and other difficult conditions.

The footage was shown to the Israeli cabinet, who responded with shock and horror, saying things like "human animals," "monsters," and "this shows what we're dealing with," according to Ynet.

The army then showed the film to the families of the murdered hostages, who were given the choice of whether to allow its screening to the public. They agreed to allow it.


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