The Shin Bet, in collaboration with the IDF and Israel Police, carried out an operation resulting in the arrest of these three individuals from the village of Bani Naim near Hebron, who were plotting an attack in the immediate timeframe.
One of the operatives was detained on Highway 6 earlier today during a rapid operation by Shin Bet and Israel Police forces and was transferred to Shin Bet for interrogation. Following his interrogation, two additional members of the cell were arrested at their homes.
A search conducted revealed weapons in their possession that were intended for the attack.
The three individuals have been handed over to Shin Bet for further investigation.
This afternoon, it was reported that security forces made an unusual arrest of suspects on Highway 6 due to concerns of a security incident. Consequently, traffic was blocked from the Hoshaya interchange heading north. The police noted that the suspected vehicle was stopped, all occupants were detained for questioning, and the vehicle was examined by a police bomb squad.
Following information from Shin Bet, police forces also arrested 13 suspects who were removed from a bus. It is suspected that one of them, who was hiding among the others, was carrying an explosive device.