Sinwar, Head of Hamas, Hostage deal

"Israel Needs to Eliminate Sinwar, Even at the Cost of Hostages"

Rami Igra, former Head of the Hostages and Missing Persons Division at the Mossad, claimed that "the State of Israel needs to do whatever it can, or consider, eliminating Sinwar even if it comes at the cost of hostages."

Yahya Sinwar. (Photo: Anas-Mohammed/Shutterstock)

Rami Igra, former Head of the Hostages and Missing Persons Division at the Mossad, was interviewed today (Sunday) on Radio 103FM and argued that Sinwar should be eliminated even if it endangers the lives of the hostages: "This siege has one more obstacle, and his name is Sinwar. The State of Israel needs to do whatever it can, or consider, eliminating Sinwar even if it means sacrificing hostages, while on the other side we are constantly losing hostages. It’s a terrible choice, a Sophie’s choice between two options. This is one of the ways, aside from regime change."

He also said: "The American delusion surprises everyone, including me. The CIA Chief said there is a 10% gap between us. And what separates us is crucial; Hamas demands its survival in Gaza, meaning that Israel will not only withdraw but will also help in reconstructing the Gaza Strip and allow Hamas to strengthen in Gaza and come back to us on October 8th."

"The Americans are spreading shards of optimism, and this is due to political circumstances; they need a ceasefire. In the end, they will do everything they can to impose some sort of agreement with Hamas upon us."


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