According to a report this morning (Sunday) by Doron Kadosh, these officers played a role in the October 7th failure. "In the Intelligence Directorate, it was decided to promote all the heads of branches in Southern Command Intelligence to various positions, including the senior officers responsible for providing intelligence on the Gaza sector on October 7th," it was reported.
The first is Lt. Col. N., head of the Counter-Terrorism Branch in Southern Command Intelligence (the officer responsible for providing alerts about terrorism incidents) – who was promoted to be the Intelligence Officer for the Central Command.
The second is the Deputy Intelligence Officer of Southern Command and the head of the Digital Branch – who was appointed to a senior position in a classified unit in AMAN. The third is the head of the Targeting Branch in Southern Command Intelligence (the officer responsible for the intelligence target bank in the Gaza Strip) – who was appointed to lead a unit in the AMAN Headquarters working with the Shin Bet and dealing with terror financing.
The fourth is the head of the Field Branch – who was appointed to a senior staff position in Unit 9900, the IDF's visual intelligence unit.
The four branch heads served in their roles before the outbreak of the war and until recently, but in recent weeks, the new appointments have come into effect, and most of them have already started or will soon begin their new and senior positions in various units of the Intelligence Directorate. These appointments were made by the former AMAN Chief, Major General Aharon Haliva, before his retirement from the position. Although Haliva has retired, almost all the officers under him who hold responsibility – including Brig. Gen. Yossi Shrier, Head of the Operations Division Brig. Gen. G., and Lt. Col. A. of the Gaza Division – continue in their roles as usual.
In response, the IDF stated: "Decisions regarding the officers will be made following the conclusion of the October 7th investigation as needed."