Israel-Gaza War, United Kingdom

Jordan calls for global arms embargo against Israel

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said that Britain acted "correctly" in suspending some arms licenses to Israel.

Ayman Safadi. (Photo: lev radin/Shutterstock)

Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi praised Britain's decision to suspend some arms licenses to Israel today (Tuesday), saying that the country acted "correctly," according to Maariv.

Safadi then said that "we call to expand this suspension and ask all countries to impose a full embargo on arms to Israel. So long as the results are not real, Netanyahu will not stop his agression towards Gaza and Judea and Samaria, and he will not stop to violate international law and endanger the security of the whole region."

In a dramatic announcement yesterday, British Foreign Secretary David Lammy said that the United Kingdom was suspending 30 out of 350 arms licenses to Israel for fear of "serious" violations of international law, according to the Financial Times.

The suspended licenses include components for fighter aircraft and drone equipment, as well as equipment for ground targeting.

Responding to Britain's decision, Foreign Minister Katz said that this was a "step that sends a very problematic message to the Hamas terrorist organization and its backers in Iran."


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