Netanyahu, Hamas

DEFIANT: Israeli journalist Magal urges Netanyahu to stand firm

As voices advocating for negotiation grow louder, controversial commentator Magal warns of past mistakes and calls for unwavering resolve in the face of terrorism.

Israeli journalist Yinon Magal, June 10, 2024 (Photo by Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

In a fiery address, Israeli political commentator Yinon Magal has thrown his full support behind Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's unyielding approach to the Hamas conflict.

"The blood of the three Israelis in Tarkumia is no less red than the blood of the hostages in Gaza," Magal declared. He lashed out at those who he believes are overlooking the broader picture of terrorism against Israelis, accusing them of tunnel vision in focusing solely on the hostage crisis.

With palpable frustration, Magal recalled past hostage exchanges, painting a grim picture of their aftermath. "We saw what happened in the previous hostage release - rivers of blood," he said, his words carrying the weight of a nation's collective trauma.

He directly addressed Netanyahu: "Don't surrender, Netanyahu, this is your test. Stand up for Israel's interests." His plea was tinged with both hope and fear - hope for a resolution that prioritizes Israeli security, and fear of the consequences if Israel yields to Hamas's demands.


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