The extensive operation in northern Samaria, known as "Operation Summer Camps," was initiated due to critical intelligence warning of a planned infiltration or raid on an Israeli settlement originating from the Tulkarm area, according to reports by Kan 11. The alert indicated that a terrorist cell was planning to infiltrate an Israeli settlement in Samaria and carry out a large-scale attack.
Security officials say that some of the terrorists mentioned in the alert were neutralized in the current operation, but the alert has not yet been "completely mitigated." It was reported yesterday that during "Operation Summer Camps" in Tulkarm, IDF forces killed Muhammad Jaber—"Abu Shaja"—the most wanted terrorist in Judea and Samaria. Jaber was the head of the terror cell in the Nour al-Shams camp, which had evaded several previous assassination attempts and was involved in numerous attacks.
According to reporter Itai Blumenthal, at 4:30 AM, Yamam special forces were dispatched to a mosque in Tulkarm following intelligence from the Shin Bet indicating that senior terrorists in the area were hiding inside. The forces arrived at the mosque, cordoned it off, began a "pressure cooker" procedure, and fired shoulder-launched missiles at the building. Abu Shaja was immediately killed along with another terrorist. Meanwhile, in a nearby building, four more terrorists were identified as opening fire. Three of them were killed, and the fourth, Muhammad Qassas, known as "Bayrah," a commander of the Tulkarm battalion, surrendered to security forces with his hands raised.