IDF, Hamas, Gaza

Revelaed: Hamas' new disturbing tactics

IDF soldiers are fighting in Gaza under extremely challenging conditions. Videos of Hamas terrorists expose Hamas' operational methods.

IDF forces operating in Gaza (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF have revealed disturbing new insights into Hamas tactics in Gaza, highlighting the complex challenges faced by soldiers in the densely populated urban battlefield.

Recent footage, compiled and reported by Israel Hayom, offers a rare glimpse into the operational methods of Hamas and other militant groups in the region. These videos showcase a range of tactics, from basic sniper operations to elaborate, multi-stage attacks.

One video, released by Hamas on Wednesday, demonstrates their sniper tactics. It begins with a lookout observing IDF positions, then transitions to a sniper's perspective from a concealed location. The careful preparation of these positions, hidden from view in the video, underscores the planned nature of these operations.

Another clip reveals collaboration between Hamas and Islamic Jihad. It depicts a three-person cell, dressed in civilian clothing, positioning themselves in a building. One member acts as a lookout, another as a sniper, while the third documents their activities. The cell is shown waiting for an opportunity to engage IDF forces in nearby structures.

Perhaps most concerning is footage from Islamic Jihad showing a more complex attack. The video details the selection of a target building occupied by IDF forces, followed by the deployment of a scout in civilian attire. Subsequently, additional operatives arrive, also in civilian dress, carrying weapons concealed in backpacks. The attack cell, comprising just three individuals, arms itself in a nearby building before launching its assault.

These tactics present significant challenges for IDF forces, who must distinguish between combatants and civilians while operating in Gaza's crowded urban environment. The situation is further complicated by the dual objectives of neutralizing threats and locating hostages, all while minimizing harm to non-combatants.

The IDF's release of this information comes amidst ongoing tensions in the region. Last December, Hamas claimed to have locally manufactured sniper rifles, modeled after Iranian designs. Footage showed improvised use of everyday items like sacks and pillows to stabilize these weapons, indicating adaptability in the face of resource constraints.


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