Polls, Elections

New poll: Likud largest party, but coalition gets just 52 seats

If the elections were held today, Netanyahu's camp would get 52 seats, while Gantz's camp would get 62.

Israeli elections. Illustration. (Photo: Melinda Nagy/Shutterstock)

A new poll conducted by Maagar Mohot for i24 and released yesterday (Tuesday) shows Likud is now the largest party by a small margin, but that his coalition would only get 52 seats.

If the election were held today, Likud would get 22 seats, State Camp 21, Israel Beytenu 14, Yesh Atid 11, Democrats 11, Shas 9, Otzmah Yehudit 8, UTJ 8, Hadash-Ta'al 6, Ra'am 5, Religious Zionism 5.

Balad and New Right would not pass the electoral threshold.

Netanyahu's bloc would get 52 seats, Gantz's 62 (Hadash-Ta'al 6).


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