Haredi Child, Run Down By Car

Final summer trip ends in tragedy: Haredi child killed by car near park 

Batsheva Esther Shimonovitz, 11, loses life in accident during family visit.

An 11-year-old girl was tragically killed Monday night in a car accident near Gan Hashlosha National Park, also known as Sakhne. The victim, Batsheva Esther Shimonovitz from Bnei Brak, was struck by a vehicle on Route 669 as she attempted to cross the street near the popular park.

Emergency response teams from Magen David Adom (MDA) arrived promptly at the scene and made every effort to resuscitate Shimonovitz. She was rushed to Ha'emek Medical Center, where medical staff continued resuscitation efforts, but ultimately, they were forced to declare her death.

The police conducted an investigation into the circumstances of the accident. After completing their inquiry, Shimonovitz's body was released to her family for burial. She was laid to rest late Monday night in the cemetery in Elad, with the assistance of the ZAKA organization, which supported the family through the burial process.

Batsheva Esther Shimonovitz was the daughter of Rabbi Shabti Shimonovitz and was named after the wife of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, Batsheva. The loss of this young girl has deeply affected her community, leaving behind a grieving family and a somber reminder of the fragility of life.

* Arutz 7 contributed to this article.


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The Jewish Patriarch 27.08.24