Egypt, Fighter Jets

When 'friends' become enemies: Egypt seeks advanced fighter jets from China

Cairo's secret negotiations with Beijing for advanced fighter jets could reshape regional power dynamics, challenging long-standing alliances and defense strategies.

Fighter jets (Photo: Shutterstock / Rehan Waheed)

Egypt has reportedly approached China to purchase advanced fighter jets, including stealth aircraft. This development comes after the United States declined to sell F-35 stealth fighters to Egypt, citing concerns about regional stability.

According to a recent report by Business Insider, Egypt has initiated secretive talks with China to acquire a significant number of cutting-edge fighter aircraft. Of particular interest is the FC-31, also known as the J-35, an advanced Chinese stealth fighter. This aircraft is believed to be based on design information from the F-35, allegedly obtained through Chinese cyber espionage operations in the past decade.

Egypt's pursuit of these advanced aircraft underscores its ongoing efforts to modernize and strengthen its military capabilities. The country already boasts one of the most formidable armed forces in the Middle East and has consistently sought to acquire state-of-the-art weaponry.

The U.S. decision to withhold F-35 sales to Egypt was reportedly based on Pentagon analysts' assessment that, unlike other regional allies such as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt's potential use of stealth aircraft could pose a threat to Israel and other neighboring countries. Egypt's current move appears to be an attempt to circumvent this restriction.

It remains to be seen how the United States and Israel will respond to Egypt's potential acquisition of advanced Chinese military technology.


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