In a devastating turn of events, Lieutenant Shahar Ben Nun, 21, from Petah Tikva, was killed in Khan Yunis, Gaza, when an Israeli Air Force fighter jet's bomb struck off-target due to a navigation system malfunction. Six other soldiers were injured in the incident, ranging from moderate to light injuries, as reported by Kann News.
The tragedy occurred early this morning (Monday) when an F15 fighter jet was conducting strikes in a Khan Yunis neighborhood. One bomb hit its intended target, but the second veered drastically off course, missing by 290 meters and striking an apartment building where Israeli forces were positioned.
The IDF spokesperson emphasized that this was a rare technical failure in the GPS-guided munition, not a result of human error or incorrect data input. The incident is under investigation.
This friendly fire accident adds to the day's casualties, following the death of Staff Sergeant Major Mahmoud Amaria, 45, from Ibtin, killed by a drone strike near Yara earlier in the morning.
The IDF has expressed deep regret over the incident and is reviewing protocols to prevent such tragedies in the future.