In a groundbreaking and unprecedented move, the Haifa Municipality and the company "Tashat" have finalized a historic agreement to evacuate the tank farm in Kiryat Chaim. This deal has been highly anticipated by the residents of Haifa, especially those in Kiryat Chaim, as it addresses the dangerous storage facility located close to residential, educational, and business areas.
According to the agreement, the first phase will start in January, involving the demolition of the northern tank row, which includes nine tanks adjacent to residential buildings and schools on Dgania Street.
**Timeline of the Agreement**
The agreement outlines a clear schedule: in the first six months, tanks numbered 44, 45, and 125 will be demolished and removed. In the following 12 months, tanks numbered 43, 126, 127, and 128 will be addressed. Within 30 months, tanks numbered 139 and 140 will be removed. Additionally, within 24 months of the new oil port's operation, the old fuel port and the 20-acre tank farm will be cleared. Once the tanks are removed, Tashat will begin cleaning the contaminated land for future development by the municipality. This historic agreement follows a recent working meeting between Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav and Energy Minister Eli Cohen, who supported the initiative alongside Tashat's chairman, Moshe Klatchin.
Earlier this year, in April, Mayor Yahav notified Tashat of the revocation of the business license for their oil tank farm in Kiryat Chaim. This decision followed a hearing regarding unauthorized construction of dozens of buildings and tanks used for hazardous materials storage near residential, business, and recreational areas.
Two months later, the Haifa Local Court ruled in favor of the municipality’s request to halt the illegal activities and usage of 53 buildings, including an order to cease use of eight oil tanks close to public receptors and 45 illegal structures at the tank farm.
These rulings were a key factor in reaching the agreement for the removal of the tank farm and setting a tight schedule for its implementation.
**Statements from City Officials**
Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav said, "I am pleased and proud to announce to the residents of Haifa and Kiryat Chaim that after many years of trying to remove Tashat’s tanks, we have achieved a historic agreement. Within about 30 months, the tanks next to residential buildings and schools in Kiryat Chaim will be removed, with the demolition starting in January. Since returning to my position, I have worked hard to bring this news to our city, in collaboration with government officials and Tashat's management."
Sophie Nakash, Deputy Mayor, added, "From the moment we were elected, we, the mayor, the city manager, and I, worked tirelessly to ensure the safety, health, and security of Kiryat Chaim’s residents, including myself. After persistent negotiations and complex legal work led by City Manager Gadi Margalit and Legal Advisor Yamit Klein, we have secured this historic achievement for the removal and dismantling of the tanks. The agreement also includes cleaning the area to benefit the public in the future."