Gush Etzion, Nahal Heletz, Smortrich

Gush Etzion expands: Nahal Heletz set to become newest Jewish town

Smotrich: "Jewish construction will not be halted by anti-Israel forces."

Bezalel Smotrich (Photo; Yonatan Sindel/ Flash90 )

The Civil Administration finalized its work on Wednesday, setting the jurisdiction for a new town in Gush Etzion to be named Nahal Heletz.

This move enables the initiation of procedures for establishing the town, one of several localities approved by the cabinet as a response to the Palestinian Authority's actions against Israel and the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by various countries.

Minister of Finance and Defense Ministry official, Bezalel Smotrich, welcomed the new development, highlighting the strategic connection between Gush Etzion and Jerusalem. "The establishment of a new town marks a historic moment," Smotrich said.

"Around two months ago, the State Security Cabinet approved my proposal to establish five new towns in Judea and Samaria. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Ministry of Defense and the Civil Administration, we have made significant progress, including advancing the plan for Nahal Heletz. This is part of the ongoing momentum to expand Jewish communities."

Smotrich added, "No anti-Israel or anti-Zionist decision will halt the further development of Jewish construction. We will continue to fight the dangerous notion of a Palestinian state and establish facts on the ground. This is my life's mission, and I will do everything in my power to see it through."

* Arutz 7 contributed to this article.


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