Temple Mount, Pilgrims Ascent, Tisha B'Av

Temple Mount surge: 800 worshipers ascend in under an hour

Police boost pilgrim numbers to cut wait times; ‘Zion is no longer desolate,’ says official.

Temple Mount (Photo: Jamal Awad/Flash90 )

On Tuesday morning, approximately 800 Jewish worshipers ascended the Temple Mount in under an hour to observe Tisha B'Av, commemorating the destruction of the Holy Temples.

The Temple Mount, which is open to Muslims daily and often a hotspot for violence and incitement against Jews, is rarely accessible to Jewish visitors. However, due to the high turnout, the police increased the number of pilgrims allowed per group and permitted multiple groups to ascend simultaneously.

This adjustment resulted in significantly shorter wait times compared to recent years, despite the larger number of worshipers.

Rabbi Shimshon Elbaum, head of the Temple Mount Administration, expressed his sentiments: "It is moving to see the nation of Israel returning to the Temple Mount. Thanks to the pilgrims, Zion is no longer desolate."

He also extended his gratitude to National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and the Jerusalem police, led by Brigadier-General Amir Arzani, stating, "We thank them for their support. Come and ascend."

* Arutz 7 contributed to this article.


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