IDF Military assessment, North Border, Hezbollah tensions

Preparing for War in the North: Chief of Staff Holds Situation Assessment

In light of Hezbollah's threats and the ongoing rocket fire from the terrorist organization toward Israel, Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, conducted a situation assessment at the Northern Command over the weekend.

Halevi meeting with north command general in IDF situation assessment (photo: IDF Spokesperson Unit)

On Friday, Lieutenant General Halevi visited the Northern Intelligence Division base along with Northern Command Commander, Major General Uri Gordin, to receive a briefing on the intelligence situation in the northern arena.

Following that, he toured the Northern Command headquarters with Major General Gordin, and the two discussed the IDF's readiness and preparations in the area. Earlier reports indicated that amid Israel's preparation for a potential attack by Hezbollah, international efforts to reduce escalation and limit the response have intensified in recent days.

According to Channel 12 News, Arab sources have approached Hezbollah, requesting a postponement of their response until after August 15, when a summit is expected to take place to renew negotiations for a prisoner exchange deal, in order to avoid the terrorist organization being accused of disrupting the talks. It is estimated that if no significant progress is made, the terrorist organization might launch an immediate attack.


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I hope the outlook is good.
The Jewish Patriarch 11.08.24