Stabbing, Jerusalem, Checkpoint

Watch: Stabbing attack at the Tunnels Checkpoint-  young servicewoman lightly injured 

Palestinian attacker armed with a knife stabbed a 20-year-old woman at the Tunnels Checkpoint near Jerusalem, causing light injuries before being neutralized by Border Police.

Scene of stabbing attack at Tunnels Checkpoint (Photo: Police Spokesperson)
Footage from stabbing attack - Jerusalem Tunnels checkpoint (Credit: Police Spokesperson)

A young servicewoman (20), working for Israeli Security Services, was stabbed in her back this morning (Tuesday) and lightly injured in a stabbing attack at the Tunnels Checkpoint in the Jerusalem envelope. The attacker was neutralized on site.

Initial details suggest that the attacker ran towards the checkpoint with a knife, stabbed the young woman, and was neutralized by Border Police fighters. The Border Police reported that forces were dispatched to the scene.

MDA (Magen David Adom) reported that the call to the emergency center was received at 10:45, stating that a young woman was attacked on Route 60 near the checkpoint. "MDA paramedics and EMTs are providing medical treatment on site to a 20-year-old young woman in mild condition, fully conscious. The attacker is neutralized," they reported.

* Ynet and The Times of Israel contributed to this article.


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At least only the terrorist is dead.
The Jewish Patriarch 06.08.24