Ben Gvir, Holon Terror Attack, Weapons 

Ben Gvir calls on the public: "Carry weapons - it saves lives" 

The Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir arrived at the scene of the deadly terror attack in Holon, and called on the public to be armed.  

Itamar Ben Gvir (Photo: Barak Shacked/ Shutterstock)

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir arrived this morning (Sunday) at the scene of the deadly terror attack in Holon, in which two people were murdered and two others were seriously injured.

Ben Gvir stated: "I want to tell the citizens - carry a weapon, it saves lives." He went on to say: "I share in the grief of the families, I wish a full recovery for the wounded," he said, "Our war is not only against Iran but here in the streets, that's why we armed the people of Israel: more than 150,000 weapons licenses in the last eight months, We opened hundreds of emergency rooms, strengthened the police and the prison wardens - to deter terrorists."

"I must give a big shout out to the heroic policemen who ran towards danger. This could have been a much bigger disaster, but our police officers are experienced and learned, and have neutralized the terrorist," he said.

* Channel 14 News contributed to this report.


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It does! Just make sure you're trained.
The Jewish Patriarch 04.08.24