Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded yesterday (Sunday) to Turkish President Erdogan's threat to invade Israel by posting a tweet on X, saying Erdogan "is following in the path of Saddam Hussein and threatens to attack Israel. He should remember what happened there and how it ended," together with a picture of the two leaders."
As of this writing, the post has received over 13 million views in less than 24 hours.
Opposition Leader Yair Lapid also responded to Turkish President Recep Erdogan's threat to invade Israel if it did not end the war in Gaza.
In a post he wrote on X, Lapid said that "President Erdogan is ranting and raving again. He is a danger to the Middle East. The world, and especially NATO members, must strongly condemn his outrageous threats against Israel and force him to end his support for Hamas. We won’t accept threats from a wannabe dictator."
Erdogan had said earlier today that Turkey can also invade Israel "just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya," if Israel does not stop the war in the Gaza Strip.