Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates Hamas terrorists with sniper fire in Gaza

The IDF continues to operate in the Khan Yunis and Rafah areas of the Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists and destroying terrorist infrastructure.

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

The IDF continues to operate in Khan Yunis and Rafah in the Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists and destroying terrorist infrastructure.

During the last 24 hours (Tuesday/Wednesday), combat teams of the 7th, Paratroopers, and Commando Brigades operated in Khan Yunis under the command of 98th Division. They located underground tunnels and eliminated terrorists, most with sniper fire.

As part of the Commando Brigade combat team's operations in the Banu Suheila area in the Khan Yunis governate, soldiers of the Egoz unit identified a vehicle heading towards them containing a terrorist squad. With a combined air and ground effort, an aircraft and tank struck the vehicle and eliminated the terrorists.

In Rafah, forces of the 162nd Division raided a number of terrorist infrastructures, located weapons, and eliminated nearby terrorists who posed a threat.

Alongside these ground operations, the Air Force struck dozens of terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including military structures, terrorists, observation posts, and various terror infrastructures.

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