Israeli Hostages, Gaza war, Hamas captivity, October 7th

Netanyahu on the deaths of the captives: "We received with deep pain and sorrow"

Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to the IDF's announcement of the deaths of the captives Alex Dantzig and Yehuda Buchstab, whose bodies are held by Hamas in Gaza.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. (Screenshot from Prime Minister's Office footage.)

Netanyahu responded, "My wife Sarah and I received with deep pain and sorrow the news that Yehuda Buchstab and Alex Dantzig, who were held captive by Hamas, are no longer alive," Netanyahu said. "Our hearts are with the dear families in their heavy mourning. I am committed to bringing all our captives back home - the living and the fallen alike."

As reported, the IDF informed the families of the two captives today that, based on certain intelligence, they are no longer alive and their bodies are being held by Hamas. The decision regarding their deaths was made following definitive intelligence, approved by the Chief Rabbinate representatives who confirmed that they are deceased. They were killed several months ago in the area where the IDF operated. It is highly likely they were killed by the terrorists, although the IDF does not rule out the possibility they were harmed by IDF bombs.

The historian and music enthusiast Alex Dantziger, from Kibbutz Nir Oz, celebrated his 76th birthday yesterday. He was a historian and one of the first guides of youth journeys to Poland. He was abducted in the Hamas attack. His son and grandson survived the attack by hiding in a shelter. His wife held the position of head of the MIA Unit for eight months and thus survived and saved her grandchildren.

Yehuda Buchstab (34) was abducted from Kibbutz Nirim together with his wife Rimona Kirshet. Both were music enthusiasts and raised many animals in their home. Rimona was released in the first deal and is remembered as the one who came out of Hamas captivity with dignity. Since then, she has been leading a struggle for the release of her husband, which tragically ended today with the announcement of his death.

Alex and Yehuda were alive during the first November hostage deal. The released captives noted that he gave lectures on history during the captivity. Yehuda was filmed in a Hamas video and on March 23, Hamas claimed he died from hunger and lack of medical treatment. Out of approximately 250 abducted on October 7, 116 captives have been released alive (through deals and military operations). 65 captives were murdered in captivity, and the bodies of 19 murdered were identified and returned to Israel. Hamas still holds another 120 captives, including about 45 declared dead.


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