JNF, Environment

JNF hosts "educators seminar" for Jewish teachers around the world

The teachers will spend touring the country, seeing its natural sites and reserves, and hear lessons on Israel and the environment.

Jewish teachers from around the world at the JNF educators seminar. (Photo: JNF)

Yesterday (Wednesday), the Jewish National Fund (JNF) kicked off an eight day long "educators seminar" for Jewish educators and teachers around the world.

Coming from the US, Canada, South America, Europe, and South Africa, the educators will spend eight days touring the length and breadth of the country, seeing natural sites and receiving lectures on Israel and the environment.

The aim is for the educators to then return to their local communities with a better and deeper understanding of Jewish and Zionist values regarding environmental values.


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Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates terrorist cell planting explosives in the center of the Gaza Strip 

Division 252's soldiers eliminated a terrorist squad today; the 401st Brigade Combat Team, under the command of Division 162, continues to operate in Gaza.  

Avi Nachmani | 07:57

Sde Teiman, Military Police, Hamas

Israeli court extends detention of 8 suspects in Hamas prisoner abuse case

Two suspects in the alleged abuse of a Hamas militant were released to house arrest last night; Military court prohibits publication of suspects' details for two weeks.

Gila Isaacson | 07:49

Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, Assassination

Iran in shock, and US "has nothing to add": How the world has reacted to Haniyeh's assassination

Iran vows retaliation as global powers react to Hamas leader's assassination in Tehran. From Russia's condemnation to U.S. reticence, the world watches as tensions continue to escalate in the Middle East.

Gila Isaacson | 07:15

Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh

Profile: Who assassinated Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh?

Ismail Haniyeh, the 62-year-old leader of Hamas's political bureau, was killed in Tehran on Wednesday, marking a significant development in the ongoing Middle East conflict. Haniyeh's journey from a refugee camp to Hamas leader is a story of political ascension intertwined with terror, conflict and controversy.

Gila Isaacson | 06:42

Khamenei, Iran, Haniye Assassination

Emergency meeting with Khamenei on the "reaction strategy" to Haniye's assassination 

Iran: the blood of the Haniyeh was not shed in vain The commander of the Quds Force also arrived at the urgent meeting with Iran's Supreme Leader.

Avi Nachmani | 05:50

Terrorist Attack, Kiryat Arba

Terrorist attack near Kiryat Arba - man seriously injured, manhunt after terrorist 

Initial reports indicate the terrorist shot at an Israeli vehicle, then viciously stabbed the driver.

Avi Nachmani, JFeed Staff | 05:32

Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Leader Assassinated

Hamas Leader Haniyeh Assassinated in Teheran -  Hamas blames Israel

Haniyeh, along with one of his guards, was reportedly killed at his home in Teheran.

Avi Nachmani, JFeed Staff | 05:12

IDF, Commander of Gaza Division, Barak Hiram, Israel at war

Chief of Staff Decides: Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram to Be Appointed Commander of Gaza Division

After being cleared in the investigation into the battle at Beeri, the Chief of Staff has decided that Brigadier General Barak Hiram will be appointed as the Commander of the Gaza Division.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

Hezbollah commander, Fuad Shukr, Nasrallah, Lebanon airstrike

Saudi reports on Fuad Shukr death: "He Was Number 1 in the Organization, Not Nasrallah"

Saudi researcher Ali Mohammed al-Husseini commented on Israel's dramatic assassination in Lebanon, stating that Hajj Mohsen was the number one figure in Hezbollah: "He was before Nasrallah."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

IDF Rescue, Israeli Hostages, bodies found in Gaza

IDF reports post rescue mission: Some hostages may never be found

After extensive rescue operations in Gaza, the IDF has come to a somber conclusion: some of the hostages taken by Hamas on October 7 may never be found.

Eliana Fleming | 30.07.24

IDF Statement, Hezbollah commander eliminated

IDF officially confirms Hezbollah commander killed in airstrike

The IDF has officially eliminated Fuad Shukr, 'Hajj Mohsin,' Senior Military Commander of Hezbollah and Head of the Organization’s Strategic Division.

Eliana Fleming | 30.07.24

IDF, Khan Yunis, Gaza war, Hamas tunnels

IDF in Khan Younis: firefights and destruction of deep tunnels

IDF forces continue their intense operations in the heart of the Gaza Strip. During the latest incursion into Khan Younis, terrorists were eliminated, rocket launchers were destroyed, and deep tunnels were taken out.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24