Hamas, October 7, IDF, Hannibal Protocol

Report reveals IDF's controversial 'Hannibal Protocol' employed during Hamas attack

IDF's use of 'Hannibal Protocol' on October 7 raises concerns over civilian safety.

ZM707 British army Boeing Apache Attack helicopter AH64E (Photo: Shutterstock / Martin Hibberd)

In a startling revelation that has reignited debates about military ethics and civilian protection, a recent investigation by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has uncovered that the IDF may have employed the controversial "Hannibal Protocol" during the October 7 Hamas attack. This directive, which prioritizes preventing soldier kidnappings even at the risk of harming hostages, was reportedly used at three army facilities, potentially endangering civilian lives.

The report, published nine months after the devastating assault that claimed approximately 1,200 Israeli lives and led to 250 abductions, sheds new light on the chaotic initial response to the attack. According to Haaretz, a message sent to Israel's Gaza division at 11:22 a.m., about five hours into the attack, ordered: "Not a single vehicle can return to Gaza." This instruction came despite widespread knowledge that such vehicles could be carrying kidnapped civilians or soldiers.

While the exact impact of these orders remains unclear, the investigation suggests that the protocol's use was "widespread" amid the confusion and lack of clear information as the IDF struggled to respond to the unprecedented assault.

The IDF, responding to the report, stated that internal investigations into the events of October 7 are ongoing, promising transparency once the results are concluded.

This revelation is part of a broader pattern of scrutiny facing Israeli military intelligence and operational responses surrounding the Hamas offensive. Previous reports have raised questions about the potential use of the Hannibal Protocol in civilian contexts, including a high-profile incident at the Be'eri kibbutz where 13 Israeli hostages were killed in an IDF tank strike.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, Channel 12 reported on the same day that a sophisticated early-warning system on the Gaza border, developed by the IDF's Unit 8200, had not been properly maintained and was known to malfunction frequently. This report also revealed that Unit 8200 officers had presented a dossier before October 7 detailing Hamas's invasion plans, including potential hostage scenarios.


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