Internal politics, Israel, Gallant, Netanyahu

Report: Netanyahu is considering removing Gallant from his position soon

According to a report by Dafna Lial, Netanyahu's office is considering moving Gallant from his position as defence minister, after he was seen as an obstacle to the integrity of the coalition and the passage of the conscription law.

Netanyahu and Gallant. (Photo: DANA KOPEL/POOL)

Prime Minister Netanyahu's entourage is considering removing Defence Minister Yoav Galant from his position already in the coming months. This is what Dafna Lial reported this evening (Wednesday) on News 12.

According to Liel's report, the parties in the prime minister's office are divided about the move, but there is a widespread agreement that Gallant is no longer part of the Netanyahu coalition and they are looking for an opportunity that will lead to his dismissal from the position of defence minister.

It was also announced that in Netanyahu's office, Galant is seen as an obstacle that stands between the completion of the coalition and the solution to the problem of recruiting the ultra-Orthodox, and also accuses him of leaking sensitive discussions. Those around Netanyahu deny and claim that relations with the Minister of Defence are normal.

Earlier, Moshe Saada attacked Minister Galant and called on Netanyahu to put Galant in his place or remove him from his position.


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IDF, Hezbollah

Gallant: Hezbollah crossed a red line

The Defense Minister commented on the news of the strike in Beirut with a five word tweet condemning the man held responsible for the Majdal Shams massacre.

Avi Woolf | 30.07.24

Gallant, Ben Gvir, Sde Teiman

Gallant accuses: Ben Gvir sabotaged military security at Sde Teiman riots

Israel's military bases faced an unexpected threat as protesters, including members of the ruling coalition, stormed the gates and breached security perimeters. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant's demand for an investigation into far-right minister Itamar Ben Gvir's potential interference with police action has thrown the government into turmoil, exposing deep fissures within Netanyahu's fragile coalition.

| Gila Isaacson | 30.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Netanyahu: Israel did not change or add conditions to deal, Hamas demanded 29 

Responding to allegations by Hamas that the Prime Minister added new conditions to delay and sink a hostage deal, Netanyahu denied doing so and explained his core demands.

Avi Woolf | 29.07.24

IDF, Sde Teiman case, Military arrest, Halevi

Chief of Staff responds to Sde Teiman protests: "Serious Incident, Full Support for the Military Advocate General"

IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi has responded to the breach of the Teiman Field Base by Knesset members and civilians, stating: "This is a very serious incident. These investigations protect IDF soldiers both at home and abroad." 

Eliana Fleming | 29.07.24

Politics, Hezbollah, Druze

Netanyahu to Druze in Majdal Shams: Our response will come and it will be severe

The Prime Minister visited the grieving town amidst recrimination over Israel's perceived failure to protect them.

Avi Woolf | 29.07.24

UK, Keir Starmer, Israel-Gaza War

UK expected to halt security exports to Israel, sources say

The potential suspension of security export licenses by the UK could mark a significant shift in Western support for Israel's military operations.

Gila Isaacson | 29.07.24

Majdal Shams, Gallant visit, Hezbollah rocket

Gallant in Majdal Shams: 'Hezbollah Will Pay the Price; Our Actions Will Speak for Themselves'

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited Majdal Shams on Monday to offer condolences to the families of the victims killed in the Hezbollah rocket attack on Saturday. During his visit, Gallant emphasized the importance of Jewish-Druze cooperation and unity.

Eliana Fleming | 29.07.24

Israel, Hezbollah, Lebanon

Analysis: The Israel-Hezbollah powder keg: One spark away from explosion

As tensions soar and diplomats scramble, the world watches to see if decades of simmering hostility will finally boil over into a conflict both sides claim to dread.

Gila Isaacson | 29.07.24

USA, Majdal Shams, Hezbollah 

America is terrified of possible Israeli attack on Beirut

Israel's security cabinet has authorized a response to the devastating attack on Majdal Shams. The situation remains tense as regional and international stakeholders await Israel's next move.

Gila Isaacson | 29.07.24

IDF, Hezbollah

BREAKING: Security cabinet ends meeting, authorizes Netanyahu and Gallant to decide on next steps

After over three hours, the security cabinet authorized Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant to decide on the next steps against Hezbollah and Lebanon.

Avi Woolf | 28.07.24

IDF, Lebanon, Israel, Netanyahu

Veteran Analyst: How to Tell if the IDF's Response is Serious

Journalist and Middle East expert Yoni Ben Menachem offers a sign to help Israeli citizens determine whether Israel's attack on Lebanon will be significant: "Don't embarrass us in the Arab world, Bibi."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 28.07.24

Hostage deal, Israel-Hamas, Gaza

Israel update on proposed hostage deal

Yesterday, Israel submitted its revised response to the proposed hostage release and cease-fire deal with Hamas. A delegation, including Mossad chief David Barnea, Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Egyptian Intelligence Director Abbas Kamel, and CIA Director William Burns, is set to meet in Rome on Sunday to discuss the deal further.

Eliana Fleming | 28.07.24