Israel-Gaza War

Gallant: We killed or wounded 60% of Hamas forces, and dismantled most of their battalions

The Defense Minister revealed this information in the Knesset plenum.

Gallant. (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Defense Minister Gallant said today (Wednesday) that the IDF has killed or wounded 60% of Hamas soldiers at the Knesset plenum, according to Ynet. Gallant had previously put the number of Hamas forces killed or wounded at 25% at the end of January.

The Defense Minister also said that "we have dismantled the 24 (Hamas) battalions, or the decisive majority of them."

Meanwhile, the IDF dropped fliers today calling on all residents of Gaza City to evacuate to the humanitarian zone.

The effort to evacuate everyone suggests that a major IDF operation covering the whole area is coming.


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Jalaa Ibrahim 10.07.24

IDF, Commander of Gaza Division, Barak Hiram, Israel at war

Chief of Staff Decides: Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram to Be Appointed Commander of Gaza Division

After being cleared in the investigation into the battle at Beeri, the Chief of Staff has decided that Brigadier General Barak Hiram will be appointed as the Commander of the Gaza Division.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

Hezbollah commander, Fuad Shukr, Nasrallah, Lebanon airstrike

Saudi reports on Fuad Shukr death: "He Was Number 1 in the Organization, Not Nasrallah"

Saudi researcher Ali Mohammed al-Husseini commented on Israel's dramatic assassination in Lebanon, stating that Hajj Mohsen was the number one figure in Hezbollah: "He was before Nasrallah."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

IDF Rescue, Israeli Hostages, bodies found in Gaza

IDF reports post rescue mission: Some hostages may never be found

After extensive rescue operations in Gaza, the IDF has come to a somber conclusion: some of the hostages taken by Hamas on October 7 may never be found.

Eliana Fleming | 30.07.24

IDF Statement, Hezbollah commander eliminated

IDF officially confirms Hezbollah commander killed in airstrike

The IDF has officially eliminated Fuad Shukr, 'Hajj Mohsin,' Senior Military Commander of Hezbollah and Head of the Organization’s Strategic Division.

Eliana Fleming | 30.07.24

IDF, Khan Yunis, Gaza war, Hamas tunnels

IDF in Khan Younis: firefights and destruction of deep tunnels

IDF forces continue their intense operations in the heart of the Gaza Strip. During the latest incursion into Khan Younis, terrorists were eliminated, rocket launchers were destroyed, and deep tunnels were taken out.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

Lebanon rockets, Hezbollah, Israeli casualty

Released for Publication: Nir Popko Killed by Rocket Fire in Kibbutz Hagoshrim

Nir Popko, 28, was killed by a rocket fired by Hezbollah towards Kibbutz Gush Halav. MDA forces reported: "He was unconscious, and we began providing medical treatment and performing resuscitation, but in the end, we had to pronounce his death."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

US Aid to Israel, Hezbollah war, Secretary of Defence

US Secretary of Defence: "If Israel is Attacked, the U.S. Will Come to Its Aid"

Amid concerns about escalation in the north, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin clarified that the U.S. will assist Israel if it is attacked by Hezbollah. Austin stated: "Israel will do whatever it takes to defend itself, and we are committed to helping it do so."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

IDF, Hezbollah

Netanyahu to convene defense chiefs at 10 PM Israel time

The goal will be to hold a situational assessment regarding the success of the Beirut strike and how to prepare for a Hezbollah response.

Avi Woolf | 30.07.24

IDF, Hezbollah

Report: Lebanon to file complaint with UN Security Council over Beirut strike

At the present time, it is unclear whether the IDF strike targeting Fuad Shukr, the Hezbollah leader deemed responsible for the Majdal Shams massacre.

Avi Woolf | 30.07.24

IDF, Hezbollah

Conflicting reports on fate of Hezbollah commander targeted in Beirut strike

The IDF targeted Fuad Shukr, Hezbollah's no. 2 leader and "effective Chief of Staff" in a retaliatory strike for the Majdal Shams massacre.

Avi Woolf | 30.07.24

Israel at war, Gaza, Hamas terrorists, Tunnel network

Analysis: Terrorists won't survive long in tunnels

The IDF is systematically targeting the solar systems that power the tunnels. Additionally, findings discovered within the tunnels indicate that the terrorists cannot physically survive underground for extended periods.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24

Beirut airstrike, Majdal Shams, Hezbollah commander

Targeted airstrike on Senior Hezbollah Commander in Beirut

The Israeli airstrike is assumed to be an assassination attempt on Hajj Mohsen, one of Hezbollah's highest ranking members and the commander responsible for the deaths of 12 children in the rocket attack in Majdal Shams just a few days ago.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.07.24