IDF, Hostage exchange, Gaza-Hamas

"The next Yahye Sinwar" according to Shin Bet

The most dangerous: former Shin Bet official cautions about the potential for this terrorist being the next Hamas leader if released.

Palestinian Fatah terrorist Abdullah Barghuti (Photo: Noam Moskowitz/Flash90.)

Former Shin Bet official and member of the Israel Defence and Security Forum (IDSF), Yossi Amrosi, cautioned that Israel might not release Abdullah Barghouti, who is currently serving 66 life sentences, under any circumstances.

Yossi Amrosi, a former Shin Bet official and member of the Israel Defence and Security Forum (IDSF), discussed the topic among efforts to secure the release of hostages in Gaza on Tuesday.

Amrosi stated in an interview with Radio Tzafon 104.5 FM that the key importance of Shin Bet Director Ronen Bar's visit to Cairo is the presence of ongoing negotiations. Evidence of mutual interests can be observed between the parties, potentially resulting in advancements and the release of the captives being held hostage in Gaza for the past 9 months. At a fundamental level, we are not near to finalizing and distant from reaching a consensus.

In his opinion, it is necessary to analyse specific aspects such as the number and identity of prisoners to be released, the timing and process of leaving Gaza, the situation of displaced Palestinians, and the level of IDF activity in Gaza. The Philadelphi Corridor is a major barrier in the negotiations as it is the main source of Hamas' equipment, which determines if it will re-arm.

He cautioned that Israel would be unable to release a specific terrorist under any circumstances. Releasing Abdullah Barghouti, currently sentenced to 66 life terms, would essentially free another Yahya Sinwar. Who was released along with 1,026 other prisoners in a prisoner exchange for Gilad Shalit in 2011. Yahya Sinwar was supposed to serve 4 life sentences at the time, instead serving only 22 years who then went on to become leader of Hamas in Gaza in 2017.


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Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Leader Assassinated

Hamas Leader Haniyeh Assassinated in Teheran -  Hamas blames Israel

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IDF, Commander of Gaza Division, Barak Hiram, Israel at war

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Israel at war, Gaza, Hamas terrorists, Tunnel network

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War in the North, Lebanon airstrike, Israel-Hezbollah war

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US, Biden Administration, Israel-Gaza War

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IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Donations

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Israel-Gaza War

IDF: 98th Division completes Khan Yunis operation

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