Israel war, reservists, student grant

Reservist Students didn't Receive the promised grant from the Government

False assurances; reservist students who were promised a stipend for their service to the country and sacrifice of their academics, were hit with disappointment when they discovered yesterday they have not received the automatic grant. 

University Graduates (photo: Nirat.pix/shutterstock)

The compensation for students in the reserves for more than 60 days, which ranged from 11,000 shekels for combat soldiers to 3,300 shekels for non-combat duties, did not reach the soldiers' accounts as promised. According to channel 12 news reports, the reason given was that the state did not prioritize the timely resolution of the matter.

"They expect full readiness from us, but they are either unable or unwilling to provide even minimal assistance," said one of the reservists. In December of last year, Finance Minister Zeev Elkin and Defense Minister Yoav Galant promised to allocate study grants to reservist students. The annual stipend of 11,000 to 3,300 shekels was intended for those who served in the reserve for more than 60 days and was to be automatically credited to their accounts today.

But the money did not come, when the reservists fulfilled their duties, the state did not deal with the matter operationally. Consequently, students serving in the reserves are now protesting against the government and calling on the decision-makers to fulfil their responsibilities. "It seems that even though we fought to protect the country, no one ensured that we got what was promised. The continued neglect of the students is unacceptable," the students complained.

Noa Bar-Shira, 31, from Jaffa, who serves in the 7007 reserve battalion, said: "I was called up on October 7, I served for two and a half months at first, and now I am on my second tour in Judea and Samaria I am studying and working in a social organization. Reflecting on recent events, Bar-Shira added: “After returning from Gaza at the end of the year, I attended a press conference on the benefits of reservists and the guarantees given to us. Despite my faith in the system, I hoped for support and recognition that our educational needs were met."

He continued, "I contacted my academic institution and asked to move my payment to July. I received special permission for the promised support, but yesterday I found out that the money has not been deposited. Despite the instability and challenges of this period, I looked forward to solving this problem. However, yesterday it became clear that the money will not be received."Bar-Shira expressed his disappointment and said: "I would not have started my studies this year without the guaranteed aid. Now I was left wondering where I could get financial support. It gives the impression that no one trusts the system. They expect the impossible from us, demand more service rounds, but don't even give basic help. It's hard for me to understand."

In introducing the reservist recruitment program six months ago, Finance Minister Elkin emphasized: "I expressed to the Secretary of Defence that this program is more critical than the security budget itself. People in tanks, jeeps and planes make the army win." Addressing the reservists directly, he added: "First, we salute you. It is a moral obligation to prioritize a program that honors and recognizes those who have sacrificed everything to protect us all. This program is the biggest initiative since the creation of the country.

Israel news outlets have stated that the Ministry of Defence and the IDF have made new plans, unbeknownst to the serving students, whereby they will be required to request tuition aid from the assistance fund themselves.


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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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