Netanyahu, Free Speech, Incitement, Ami Dror

Protest leader faces charges of incitement after calling Netanyahu a lunatic, a kleptomaniac and the devil

Even in 2024, free speech has boundaries, a lesson Ami Dror is only just learning. Some of his choice comments included, "[Netanyahu] is an obsessive kleptomaniac [who] barks like a puppy."

Demonstrators protest near the house of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Caesarea, June 27, 2024. (Photo by Flash90)

In a move that has intensified the already heated political climate in Israel, the prosecutor's office has given the green light for police to investigate Ami Dror, a prominent figure in the ongoing protests demanding a hostage release deal. The decision comes in the wake of Dror's inflammatory remarks at a demonstration outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence in Caesarea late last week.

Dror's words, delivered with the passion of a man on a mission, have now thrust him into the center of a legal storm. "We will build a lawn on the ruins of the castle, and we will cover his pool with concrete," he declared, his voice carrying over the crowd gathered before Netanyahu's private home. But it was his call to "throw away the garbage and eliminate it" while gesturing towards the Prime Minister's residence that caught the attention of legal authorities, as reported by JPost.

The protest leader didn't stop there. In a scathing verbal assault, Dror branded Netanyahu and his family as "lunatics who are destroying the State of Israel," and went so far as to label the Prime Minister "the devil." His accusations ranged from portraying Netanyahu as an "obsessive kleptomaniac" to comparing him to a barking puppy.

This development raises questions about the fine line between passionate protest and incitement in a democracy under pressure. As Israel grapples with the ongoing hostage crisis and internal political tensions, the decision to investigate Dror adds another layer to the complex tapestry of civil liberties and national security.

Dror, for his part, remains defiant. In a statement following the prosecutor's decision, he declared, "They are afraid and it will not help them! We will not allow them to destroy this country." He vowed to continue the protests "with determination, without violence, and without being polite until a new government is formed."

While expressing respect for the State Attorney's Office and willingness to explain his words, Dror's resolve appears unshaken. As Israel watches this unfolding drama, the nation finds itself at a crossroads, balancing the right to protest with the need for civil discourse in these tumultuous times.

In a country where the right to dissent has long been cherished, the outcome of this case may well set a precedent for the future of public protest and political speech in the land of milk and honey.


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United States

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