Deadly Fire, Binyamin Region

Mother of 8 dies after bravely rescuing children from fire

Dina Zahavi, a resident of Kochav Yaakov, managed to rescue all her children from their beds following the fire that broke out from the ignition of an electric bicycle battery.

The fire in Kochav Yaacov (Photo: Israeli Fire and Rescue Spokesman)

Adina Zahavi, mother of 8, died in the fire tonight (between Saturday and Sunday) in the Kochav Yaakov settlement north of Jerusalem, after rescuing her family from the flames, according to Ynet.

Zahavi got her children out of the burning house, but later died of smoke inhalation. Her husband Aryeh Zahavi said: "Like a lioness she rescued our children from the fire and smoke."

The fire broke out in the family home at 2:30 a.m., apparently due to the ignition of an electric bicycle battery. Adina together with her husband, rescued the children from their beds and when she turned the last child away she collapsed due to smoke inhalation, and then died.

Her husband and seven of her children were injured in the fire. An 8-year-old boy was moderately injured and the rest were slightly injured. A couple and two children who live in the family's sub-unit were also injured by smoke inhalation and are in a minor condition. Eight residents who came to help were slightly injured by smoke inhalation and were released to their homes this morning.


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Update: IDF names soldier killed in today's terror attack in Karmiel 

One soldier killed, another injured in stabbing at Northern Israeli Shopping Center

Gila Isaacson | 15:37

Israel war, reservists, student grant

Reservist Students didn't Receive the promised grant from the Government

False assurances; reservist students who were promised a stipend for their service to the country and sacrifice of their academics, were hit with disappointment when they discovered yesterday they have not received the automatic grant. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 14:30

Israel-Gaza War, Postpartum Depression

War linked to significant surge in postpartum depression, study finds

Study shows exposure to war and terror heightens depression and anxiety in postpartum women, but mother-infant bond remains unaffected.

Avi Nachmani | 14:21

Lebanon, Hezbollah

Three projectiles land in Kiryat Shmona area; one starts fire

Three projectiles launched by Hezbollah landed in the Kiryat Shmona area on open ground. No casualties were reported.

Avi Woolf | 13:47

Eliyahu Yossian, Terrorist Attacks, Expulsion

Eliyahu Yossian: Expel close family members of terrorists - Let them go to Syria!

The Iranian Affairs expert expressed himself after the terrorist attack in Carmiel saying: "Let them go to Syria!"

Avi Nachmani | 13:37

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Direct hit on home in Kfar Maimon

A rocket reportedly directly hit a home in Kfar Maimon in the south. No casualties were reported.

Avi Woolf | 13:30

IDF, West Bank, 

The trend of terrorists in the West Bank that is driving the IDF crazy

Former Shin Bet senior Yossi Amrousi refers to the alarming phenomenon in Judea and Samaria, in which terrorists publish their documents on TikTok and become role models for children.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 13:28

Israel-Gaza War

Public Diplomacy Spokesperson: "More work to be done" before moving to less intensive fighting in Gaza

In response to a JFeed question, David Mencer, Spokesperson of the Public Diplomacy Directorate, said that the time had not yet come for the IDF to decrease the intensity of fighting in Gaza.

Avi Woolf | 13:09


Update: Stabbing victim in Carmiel pronounced dead

One of the three Israelis stabbed in a terrorist attack in a commercial center in Carmiel has been pronounced dead. The other two are still being medically treated.

Avi Woolf | 12:25

Lebanon, Hezbollah

Report: Senior Hezbollah commander killed in drone strike

Abu Ali Nasser, commander of Hezbollah's Aziz unit responsible for the western sector of southern Lebanon, was reportedly eliminated in an IDF drone strike.

Avi Woolf | 12:14

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

Watch: IDF eliminates four terrorists in Nur a-Shams

The IDF released footage of its strike on four terrorists in Nur a-Shams, who were caught planting an explosive device in the area for IDF troops.

Avi Woolf | 12:07

Gaza, Israel-Gaza War, Starlink, Elon Musk

Starlink in Gaza? This is the surprising truth.

Axios: UN pushing for what it sees as a lifeline; Israel not so sure. 

Gila Isaacson | 11:38