IDF, Gaza operation

Horrific: The shocking board game found in Gaza

'Snakes and Ladders': the IDF finds a sick twist to child's game in Gaza used to encourage terrorism.

Version of the classic board game 'snakes and ladders' (photo: Jignesh D Prajapati/shutterstock)

In Gaza Israeli forces discovered a board game demonstrating the evil used in teaching and inciting terrorism to young children. The twist on the original 'snakes and ladders' game was found in a family home in Rafah with the objective of the game to reach Jerusalem while carrying out terror attacks all over cities in Israel.

During additional searches in the area, where soldiers also found many weapons in residential buildings, Israeli soldiers found a children's board game called "Snakes and Ladders" that was used to convey information about the main targets of terror attacks on Israeli cities, the army said on Friday.

Soldiers of the Nahal Reconnaissance Battalion discovered the board game while operating in the Rafah area of ​​Gaza. The board game shows pictures of missiles and tanks in various locations around the country. There are also images of Hamas terrorists going through tunnels to show players that they are moving backwards on the board.


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Israel war, Hamas, terrorism, West Bank

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Israel-Gaza War

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IDF, Israel-Gaza War

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