Politics, Crime

Smoke grenade found in planned protest area near PM residence

During security sweeps in the area of the Prime Minister's Residence in preparation for planned protests in the area, police officers found a grenade with a fuse.

Grenade. Illustration. (Photo: Defense Minister Spokesperson and Public Relations Division)

During security sweeps in the area of the Prime Minister's Residence in preparation for planned protests in the area, police officers found a grenade with a fuse.

The Israel Police said that the grenade was an improvised device and had been hidden in the protest area. Bomb squad officers arrived on the scene, who determined the grenade to be a smoke grenade rather than an explosive one. It was then dismantled.

The discovery of this weapon is yet another escalation in the efforts of the protestors and their willingness to engage in increasingly violent methods to serve their aims.


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Labour and Meretz form new party - this is its name

Following negotiations between the two leftwing parties, a new unified party has now been formed for future elections.

Avi Woolf | 16:36

Israel-Gaza War

AP: UN starts moving tons of aid from US Gaza pier

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Avi Woolf | 16:04

Hezbollah war, Israel-Lebanon-Iran

Report: This is the likelihood of War with Hezbollah

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JFeed Staff | 16:00

Israel-Gaza War

Kaboom! IDF demolishes 500 meter long Hamas tunnel

The tunnel, located in Rafah, included one branch which passed adjacent to an UNRWA school.

Avi Woolf | 15:52

Israel-Gaza War, Lebanon

Lebanon: Israel aiming for something "less than total war"

A senior Lebanese official told Arab media that the IDF's current deployment is defensive, not offensive, and is located 20 km from the border.

JFeed Staff | 15:13

IDF Gaza operation, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Report: Member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) eliminated in Gaza

An Israeli drone targeted a house in the Nour al-Shams refugee camp. The targeting the  commander of the Tulkarm Battalion, Abu Shuja'a, who has been wanted by the IDF for some time. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 14:50

Israel Police, China 

Big Brother on the Road: Israel Deploys Blacklisted Chinese Cameras

Israeli authorities are implementing Chinese surveillance technology, raising concerns over U.S. sanctions and data security.

Gila Isaacson | 14:01

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Netanyahu: Hamas only obstacle to release of hostages

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Liran Vainshtain, Uriel Beeri, JFeed Staff | 12:15
Netanyahu hits back at Gallant: We need to speak openly about disagreements with US

People in Netanyahu's entourage responded to Gallant's statement that disagreements with the US should be handled "in house" by noting that sometimes this isn't possible.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 26.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, United States

Gallant at the White House: "We discuss our disagreements in-house" | Watch

The comment was likely a veiled criticism of Prime Minister Netanyahu's public criticism of slowdowns in weapons deliveries in recent months.

Avi Woolf | 26.06.24

Israel, United States

Watch: PM Netanyahu meets with Senator Fetterman

Netanyahu commended the Democratic Senator for his consistent stance in favor of Israel even as his party remains divided in its support of the country.

Avi Woolf | 26.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Jordanian FM: We won't clean up after Netanyahu in Gaza

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi stated that his country would not join any multinational force to replace Hamas in the Gaza Strip following an IDF evacuation.

Avi Woolf | 26.06.24