Internal threats, espionage

Shocking: Beit Shemesh man arrested for spying for Iran

This morning, A religious Jew living in Ramat Beit Shemesh has been detained for espionage under suspicion he was allegedly spying for Iran. 

Satellite target used by espionage groups (photo: - Yuri A/shutterstock)

Surprise hits Beit Shemesh as chassid detained for suspected espionage on behalf of Iran.

A 24-year-old chassidic avreich residing in Ramat Beit Shemesh Daled was taken into custody late Wednesday night on suspicion of participating in a severe espionage situation related to Iran.

Based on what the neighbours said, a significant amount of police officers stormed into his house on Thursday morning, apprehending him and bringing him in for questioning.

He appeared in court on Thursday afternoon for a prolongation of his detainment.

The neighbours, who were stunned, told Chareidi news sources that they believe there must be a misunderstanding because the suspect is a respected avreich from a prominent family. One resident informed Chareidim10 that the chassid is skilled in computer technology and may have been employed by an individual connected to Iran without being aware of it.


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Israel-Hamas, post war plans for Gaza

Report: Israel will cooperate with the Gaza Strip after the war

According to a report in the British newspaper, The Financial Times, Israel is developing a plan for the day after the Gaza war. Among other measures, it involves recruiting Palestinians screened by the IDF and delivering food through them to residents of the Strip.

JFeed Staff | 13:33

Hezbollah war, Israel-Lebanon-Iran

Report: This is the likelihood of War with Hezbollah

Former Mossad senior official David Elam addresses the possibility of war in the north, stating that neither Nasrallah nor Hezbollah are interested in it. He also remarked, "The American government is displaying hints that are also evident in negotiations."

JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

Health, Nile Virus

Worrying Trend: Record Number of Nile Fever Cases in Central Israel

The number of Nile fever patients in central Israel continues to rise, reaching a peak of one hundred diagnosed cases, with at least 8 in critical condition requiring ventilation.

JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

Iran, Hezbollah Lebanon war

Iran threatens to 'obliterate' Israel if war breaks out with Hezbollah 

With tensions rising in the Northern region, Iran has made a clear warning to Israel that if it pursues an offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, it will be destroyed. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

Terror attack, Serbia-Israel embassy

Terror attack in Serbia; here's what we know

Details are revealed following the attack on the Israeli embassy yesterday in Belgrade. With renewed information on the attacker as well as full disclosure on the incident. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

Ukraine, Biden, Patriot Air Defense, Russia

U.S. considers sending Israeli Patriot missiles to Ukraine in major policy shift 

US-Brokered talks could see Israel's aging Air defense systems bolster Ukraine's defenses against Russian attacks.

Gila Isaacson | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Globes: Hamas using Chinese anti-tank missiles

A propaganda clip recently released by Hamas shows them using a Chinese guided anti-tank missile against IDF armored vehicles.

Avi Woolf | 30.06.24

IDF, Gaza operation

Horrific: The shocking board game found in Gaza

'Snakes and Ladders': the IDF finds a sick twist to child's game in Gaza used to encourage terrorism.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 29.06.24

Israel Gaza war, China-Hamas ties

China's 'surprising' role in the Israel-Hamas war

Recent evidence uncovers Chinas true role in the Israel war against Hamas in Gaza, with new secrets unveiled as to the nations involvement.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 29.06.24

Iran, Airbus A340

Brazen: How Iran stole two Airbus A340s in plain daylight

The planes were smuggled out of Lithuania, their transponders turned off on entry into Iranian airspace.

Gila Isaacson | 28.06.24

Iran, Elections, Islamic Republic

Iran at a Crossroads: Presidential Election Tests Public Faith in Islamic Republic

As voters choose a new president, the future of the Islamic Republic hangs in the balance.

Gila Isaacson | 28.06.24

Health, US water system

America's drinking water is under attack

Cyberattacks on the countries water supply have become a growing concern across America with its drinking water becoming at risk as sources seem to trace back to Iran, China, and Russia. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24