Vacation hotspots

You won't believe Israelis new vacation hotspot - and only 500km from Iran!

Since the beginning of the war, an unexpected trend has emerged - Israelis are flying en masse to this intriguing destination.  

Baku, Azerbeijan (Photo: Kadagan/ Shutterstock)

Since the start of the current war, Israeli tourists have been flocking to Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, which has become an alluring substitute for Turkey.

As reported by Mako, Azerbaijan, which has a long border with Iran, has become a popular destination for world travelers thanks to its affordable prices, landscapes, culture and cuisine. Only about 500 km from the Iraninan border, the short flight distance of only three hours and the warm ties between the countries have endeared Baku to Israeli tourists.

Azerbaijan Airlines, the national airline, resumed its route between Azerbaijan and Baku as early as March, and Azerbaijan became the first Muslim country to renew flights to Israel during the war. Meanwhile, the demand for flights to Azerbaijan soared among Israelis: more than 8,000 Israelis have visited Azerbaijan since the beginning of the war, a figure that represents an increase of over 50 percent compared to last year.

Israelis who moved to live in Azerbaijan tell of a warm and loving attitude towards the Jewish community. "There are a lot of options for the Jews here, from kosher restaurants to synagogues, everyone feels comfortable here. We are well looked after," says Eliyahu, an Israeli who works as a tour guide in Baku.


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