West Bank, IDF, Terror

Report: West Bank terror groups on verge of launching Gaza-Style rockets at Israel

Palestinian Authority security officials warn of advanced rockets smuggled into the West Bank, raising new security concerns for Israel and the region.

Palestinian gunmen in the West Bank city of Tulkarem, May 7, 2024. (Photo by Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

In a concerning development that could reshape the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, senior Palestinian Authority security officials warn that terror groups in the West Bank may soon possess the capability to launch sophisticated rockets into Israel. This revelation, reported by Kann News, suggests a significant escalation in the region's security landscape.

According to these sources, the rockets being smuggled into the West Bank are of a caliber similar to those fired from Gaza in recent years - far more advanced than the primitive projectiles occasionally launched from Jenin. Both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are reportedly involved in this smuggling operation, with explosives, funds, and bomb-making expertise flowing from Lebanon to the West Bank via Jordan, allegedly under Iranian guidance, as reported by the Times of Israel.

The IDF have intensified operations in Tulkarem and Qalqilya, areas believed to be key transit points for these weapons.

Jordan, a critical buffer between Israel and hostile forces to the east, has also found itself embroiled in this dangerous game. Recent discoveries of explosives storage sites near Amman, including one close to a U.S. military-used airport, have raised alarms about Iran's growing influence in the region.

While previous rocket attempts from the West Bank have been largely unsuccessful and crude, experts warn that with external support and technical knowledge, these groups could rapidly advance their capabilities. The potential for more sophisticated attacks from the West Bank presents a new strategic challenge for Israel, potentially altering the already delicate balance of power in the region.

The coming months may prove critical in determining whether this new threat materializes, and how regional powers will respond to this ever evolving security landscape.


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