Israel-Gaza War, IDF

Israel's real heroes are invisible, and they are struggling

Israel's reservist soldiers' families are buckling under the weight of prolonged conflict.

An Israeli soldier before he makes his way to southern Lebanon (Photo by Melanie Fidler /Flash90)

The privilege and responsibility of protecting Israel's borders and citizens has largely fallen on young IDF recruits, with many of them just out of school. But we are now a nation relying heavily on our reservist citizen-soldiers during an extended conflict. As our military campaign in Gaza enters its sixth month, the families of reservists are voicing growing concerns about the toll of prolonged service on their lives and livelihoods.

As reported by Ynet, Dalit Nalkan, whose husband has been called up for three rounds of reserve duty since October, describes a household under severe stress. "We're collapsing," she says, noting the emotional and financial impacts on her family. Many reservists' partners report similar experiences, with some forced to leave jobs or struggling to maintain their careers while managing households and childcare alone. What was once a 2 person now is now a one-man show and many miluim (reservist) wives are understandably cracking under the pressure.

Where friends and family of reservist wives were able to offer a huge amount of practical support, including meals, at the beginning of the conflict, that support is also dwindling considerably, with more reservists being called up all the time.

The government's recent proposal to extend the age of exemption for reservists has further frustrated many families, who see it as an attempt to squeeze more service from an already burdened group. This comes amid ongoing debates about expanding military service to traditionally exempt communities, such as ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Military experts, including former reserve officers, warn that the current pace of reserve mobilization may not be sustainable. They argue for broadening the pool of those serving, potentially by reactivating discharged reservists or accelerating efforts to draft from exempt populations.

As the conflict persists, with potential for escalation on other fronts, the strain on Israel's reserve forces - and by extension, on Israeli society - continues to mount.


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