Israel-Gaza War, United States

Gallant at the White House: "We discuss our disagreements in-house" | Watch

The comment was likely a veiled criticism of Prime Minister Netanyahu's public criticism of slowdowns in weapons deliveries in recent months.

Yoav Gallant. (Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Defense Minister Gallant released a video statement today (Wednesday) as he prepares to meet with senior American officials to discuss weapons deliveries, the transition to the "phase C" part of Gaza operations, Iran and Hezbollah.

In his statement, Gallant indirectly criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu for his public campaign criticizing the US for weapons shipments delays, saying "in every family - and we consider the American people our family - disagreements may arise. Yet like all families, we discuss our disagreements in-house, and remain united."

He also said that "We stand firmly behind the President's deal, which Israel has accepted, and now Hamas must accept - or bear the consequences. We are committed to bringing the hostages home. With no exception. We are committed to defending our people. But let it be known, that our war is not with the people of Gaza. Our war is not with the people of Lebanon. Our war is against Hamas, Hezbollah, and their backer – the Iranian regime."

Watch the whole thing here:

Yoav Gallant. (Source: Elad Malka)


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Politics, Crime

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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

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Israel-Lebanon war, Hezbollah 

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IDF Gaza, Humanitarian Aid

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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

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United States, Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War, United States

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Internal affairs, Israel armaments

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