IDF, Heroism

Courageous IDF operative risks everything to rescue teammate

IDF hero risked his life to save his teammate. He plans to return to active duty as soon as he has recovered.

Combat soldiers of the elite IDF Yahalom unit at a training session in the Adam Military training facility. (Photo by Nati Shohat/Flash90)

In a heart-stopping display of courage, Staff Sergeant A*, a counter-terrorism fighter with the Marom Brigade, shielded his teammate from a terrorist's explosive device during an operation in Tulkarm two and a half months ago.

The IDF provided more details of this incredible act of bravery and heroism: After successfully completing two arrests that night, A*s unit received another urgent call to action. They swiftly deployed drones and entered a narrow alley where their commander identified a terrorist. A tense standoff ensued, quickly escalating as the terrorist hurled an explosive device. The team reacted swiftly, taking cover and shouting warnings.

Lt. Col. (res.) B*, one of A's comrades, didn't hear the alert and remained exposed. "We all jumped back," A* explains. "But when I saw A' hadn't moved, I knew I had to act fast." With selfless heroism, A* sprinted towards B* to pull him to safety.

This split-second decision undoubtedly saved B's life, but it came at a cost. The grenade detonated, leaving him with a broken shoulder and shrapnel wounds in his leg and intestines. Despite the excruciating pain and heavy bleeding, A* remained calm, reassuring his team.

IDF soldier from elite unit, face blurred to prevent identification (IDF official website)
Hero soldier, injured while saving his comrade, recovers (Photo: IDF official website)

"It wasn't a heroic act for me," A* humbly states. "It was just instinct. I saw someone in danger and reacted." Only later did the gravity of his actions truly sink in.

Throughout his hospitalization and initial surgery, A* faced immense physical and mental challenges. However, his unwavering spirit and love for his unit propelled him forward. "Seeing my entire unit visit me in the hospital reminded me why I do what I do," he shares. "There's no doubt the injury impacted me, but I have no regrets. I would do it all again in a heartbeat."

Now in the final stages of rehabilitation, A* is determined to return to active duty and contribute to his unit's success. He was recently commended for his bravery by the counter-terrorism unit commander during a ceremony.


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