Survey, Arab-Israeli views

Surprising: Tel Aviv University poll reveals what most Arab-Israelis think about Hamas

Jewish breaking news reveals exclusive insight into the mindset of Arab Israelis and what their views on Hamas governing Gaza truly is. 

Arab-Israelis at the temple mount (Photo: Jamal Awad/Flash90)

According to a recent survey, Most Israeli Arabs prefer Gaza not to be controlled by Hamas after the war.

The Moshe Dayan Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Tel Aviv University has conducted a recent study on the perspectives of Israeli Arabs on the current Gaza conflict, uncovering interesting results that were later reported by Jewish breaking news outlets.

Based on the survey results, only 14.7% of those surveyed support Hamas ruling Gaza post-war, and 19.4% prefer the Palestinian Authority to govern the area. A majority of participants (58.5%) stated that other Arab countries should be in charge instead.

Significantly, 34.4% of respondents believed that Gaza should be governed by an International non-Arab organization post-war, while only 8.4% supported Israel in the survey.

Almost 75% of Israeli Arabs stated they felt unsafe personally amidst the continuing conflict. Nevertheless, 51.6% of individuals state that the war has fostered a mutual feeling of fate among them.

Israeli Arabs are most worried about violence and crime, with the majority (68.6%) in favour of an Arab political party being part of the next Knesset elections' governing coalition.

Arab citizens of Israel have full democratic rights and representation in the country's political system, unlike their Arab counterparts in Gaza who live under Hamas rule. They are entitled to vote, run for office, and engage in all facets of Israeli society, such as occupying prominent roles in business and academia.

In a clear opposition, Hamas, a terrorist group acknowledged globally, has continuously restricted democratic rights and human rights in Gaza after taking control in 2007. Hamas has prohibited political dissent, targeted minority groups, and aggressively suppressed opposing views through violent means and intimidation tactics in order to stay in control.


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Israel-Hamas war, Gaza, IDF

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