Northern Front, Civilian Units

Baffling: IDF decides to downsize these forces

With all the talk of an upcoming war with Hezbollah, the IDF decides to make some surprising cuts. 

Civil defense units (Photo: Eyal Margolin/ Flash90)

The IDF has decided to reduce the number of members in civil security units who are in active reserve service in the Golan. Civil security units are armed civilian defense forces present in most towns and cities in Israel, who act as a first response in the event of a terrorist attack.

"Following the plan published a few weeks ago, which was postponed in light of the assessment of the situation, it has been decided to reduce the number of members in the civil security units who are in active reserve service, with the first phase going into effect in the coming days in the Golan settlements," as reported by Ynet.

It was further stated that "the reduction will proceed gradually, in accordance with the ongoing assessment of the situation and the unique characteristics of each sector. All members of the civil security units will remain with their personal equipment, in order to enable their use when needed immediately."


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Update: Stabbing victim in Carmiel pronounced dead

One of the three Israelis stabbed in a terrorist attack in a commercial center in Carmiel has been pronounced dead. The other two are still being medically treated.

Avi Woolf | 12:25

Lebanon, Hezbollah

Report: Senior Hezbollah commander killed in drone strike

Abu Ali Nasser, commander of Hezbollah's Aziz unit responsible for the western sector of southern Lebanon, was reportedly eliminated in an IDF drone strike.

Avi Woolf | 12:14

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

Watch: IDF eliminates four terrorists in Nur a-Shams

The IDF released footage of its strike on four terrorists in Nur a-Shams, who were caught planting an explosive device in the area for IDF troops.

Avi Woolf | 12:07

Israel-Gaza Strip

IDF eliminates dozens of terrorists in Shejaiya

The IDF continues to eliminate terrorists and destroy terrorist infrastructure in the north, center, and south of the Gaza Strip.

Avi Woolf | 10:30

OECD, Cost of Living, Inflation

Food and Beverage Prices in Israel Exceed OECD Average by a Whopping 52% 

The only thing that is way below the OECD average is telecoms.

Gila Isaacson | 10:11

Israel-Gaza War, Gaza tunnels

Brigadier General Avivi on Gaza tunnels: Years of work ahead

Avivi: We're battling a force as potent as ISIS, without a coalition that fought for years to victory.

Avi Nachmani | 09:44

Terror Attack, Carmiel, Stabbing

Breaking: Suspected Terror Attack in Karmiel, 3 injured 

Suspected Terror Attack leaves three Injured in Karmiel; Assailant neutralized

Gila Isaacson | 09:27

IDF, Gaza, Hamas, Israel-Gaza War

Close to defeating Hamas in Gaza, IDF soldiers are battle weary after 9 grueling months of combat

IDF soldiers are exhausted, but they remain steadfast in their commitment to their goals.

Gila Isaacson | 09:05

IDF, UAV Attack, Tulkarm

IDF UAV strike near Tulkarm eliminates terrorist cell

IDF aircraft eliminates terrorist cell in Nur Shams while planting explosive device.

Avi Nachmani | 08:34

Terrorism, Binyamin Achimair

IDF demolishes home of terrorist who killed a 14-year-old shepherd in West Bank.

Ahmed Duabsha was responsible for the murder of the shepherd Binyamin Achimair in April.

Avi Nachmani, JFeed Staff | 08:11

Sinwar, Hamas, Israel-Gaza War

Hide and Seek: Where in the world is Yahya Sinwar?

Hamas officials claim that only 2 or 3 people know Sinwar’s whereabouts and that he won’t consider exile

Gila Isaacson | 07:41

Israel-Gaza War, IDF

A War of Attrition? IDF changing tactics in Gaza, wearing down Hamas militants

It's looking more and more like a war of attrition, to wear down Hamas bit by bit until there's nothing left.

Gila Isaacson | 07:09