This morning (Tuesday), a 17-year-old boy drowned at Charles Clore Beach in Tel Aviv.
MDA paramedic, Gzamawi Sipar, reported: "Our colleagues from the police were at the scene. They informed us that during extensive searches, they retrieved a 17-year-old youth who was unconscious, without a pulse, and not breathing from the sea. We conducted medical checks, but unfortunately, we had to declare his death on-site."
This is the second time in less than a month that a teen has lost his life at this beach. Just two and a half weeks ago, a 15-year-old boy drowned at the same beach, and MDA teams declared his death on-site.
MDA paramedic Aviv Solomon and emergency medical technician Munzer Abu Kasem recounted: "When we arrived at the beach, citizens were performing basic resuscitation actions on the boy. They told us he was pulled from the sea unconscious. Immediately, we proceeded with prolonged resuscitation efforts, but ultimately, we had to declare his death on-site."