Shin Bet, Hackers, Israel-Gaza War

Shin Bet Investigates Major Leak of Classified Information to Hackers

The investigation centers on leaked intelligence, revealing severe security breaches and damage to Israeli operations.

Illustrative: Cyber Security (Photo: Shutterstock/ Thapana_Studio)

The Shin Bet is investigating a significant leak of information from Israeli intelligence agencies to hackers who targeted infrastructure of some of Israel's enemy countries, according to a report from Kann News yesterday (Monday).

This hacker group supposedly launched operations on October 7, aiming to disrupt infrastructure in countries such as Lebanon, Iran, and Qatar.

A* was detained about a month ago on charges of leading a group of hackers from both Israel and abroad. Since the outbreak of the conflict, A* allegedly acted independently against enemy states, which investigators claim severely harmed Israel's security. In an interview with Kann News, A* discussed his detention in the Shin Bet basements and the harsh conditions of his interrogation. The Shin Bet denies his claims, stating that both A*'s investigation and his detention conditions were in accordance with the law.

Early in the investigation, Shin Bet officials suggested that someone within the intelligence community was providing A* with critical information ahead of sensitive operations. "Tell us who leaked [information] to you. If you don't tell us, there will be consequences," investigators purportedly told A*.

Following a polygraph test, A* was released to house arrest and is currently awaiting the return of his passport so that he can go back to the United States, where he has resided for the past year. He maintains that he has no connection to the alleged activities.


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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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