IDF, Israel-Gaza war

IDF gives Rafah operation update: Israel is winning

The operational update of the Israeli military status against Hamas gives promise that indeed we are winning the war against terrorism.

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

Over the past month and after much backlash, the IDF soldiers of the 162nd Division have been operating in the Gazan city, Rafah. Despite heavy fighting with multiple losses for the IDF, the forces have managed to gain operational control over a passage route along the Egypt-Gaza border, known as the Philadelphi corridor. A well as battling Hamas strongholds in Gazan neighbourhoods; Shabora and Tel Sultan.

In just the past week, the IDF has also achieved military command over the Al-Karaya Al-Suweida neighbourhood with ground forces working both above and bellow ground.

Among such achievements the IDF also added it had:

  • Gained military control over 70% of Rafah
  • Successfully dismantled 2 out of 4 major Hamas battalions after sustaining major damage
  • Located over 25 tunnels reaching the Egyptian border, 200 tunnel entrances, and dozens of long-range missiles
  • Neutralized at least 550 Hamas gunmen in the Rafah operation alone

The IDF concluded by stating it believed that it would gain full operational control over all of Rafah in the next few weeks and that it was already weakening the remaining Hamas battalions.


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Israel, United States, Israel-Gaza War

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