Following a daring rescue operation by Israeli security forces, the Israeli hostages, who endured months of captivity at the hands of Hamas militants, have been freed. As they begin their journey of recovery, new details emerge regarding their physical and mental state.
Noa Argamani reports that she was not allowed to shower during her captivity. As reported by Israel Hayom, her Hamas captors frequently moved her, at times disguising her in traditional Arab dress so that no one would be able to identify her. She was only allowed outside very briefly. She also says that she was made to clean up after her captors, who told her to be grateful that she was imprisoned by them and not by other jailers who were much worse.
Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Koslov and Shlomi Ziv, kept in the home of a Palestine Chronicle journalist, needed to be close to each other as they kept seeking reassurance from each other during their first night back in Israel.
As the nation rejoices in the safe return of the hostages, there is a collective acknowledgment of the challenges that lie ahead. The road to recovery will be long and arduous, but with the unwavering support of their families, communities, and the nation as a whole, the Israeli hostages are determined to overcome the trauma of their captivity and reclaim their lives.