Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Gantz to give statement Saturday night, expected to leave government

State Camp party chairman and war cabinet member Benny Gantz is set to deliver a statement tomorrow night, likely to signal his departure from the government. Prime Minister Netanyahu will speak immediately afterwards.

The partnership is over. (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

State Camp party chairman and war cabinet member Benny Gantz is expected to give a statement to the press on Motzai Shabbat at 20:40. Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to speak immediately after him.

This morning (Friday), journalist Amit Segal reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke with Gantz last night at the end of a war cabinet meeting. Netanyahu apparently tried to convince Gantz not to break up the emergency government, but the effort seems to have failed.

During the conversation, Netanyahu asked: "Why are you leaving? The existing disagreements between us are very narrow." Gantz replied: "We feel our influence is decreasing."

The original basis for Gantz's ultimatum to Netanyahu, which if not met would lead to his leaving the government, was based on three central principles: returning the hostages, collapsing the Hamas government including the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip and ensuring Israeli security control, the establishment of an American-European-Arab-Palestinian administration which would run the Strip's civil affairs, returning the residents of the north to their homes by September 1, advancing normalization with Saudi Arabia, and adopting an equal basis for service.


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Hamas, IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Deif

Why has Hamas not retaliated for Israel's strike on Deif?

Hamas has not yet launched rockets in response to the high-profile attack targeting Mohammed Deif, who likely perished along with his deputy. 

Gila Isaacson | 09:24

IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Mohammed Deif

IDF Intelligence that led to Strike on Deif - What to know

Israeli forces targeted Hamas stronghold after weeks of surveillance, hoping to eliminate elusive military leader Mohammed Deif.

Gila Isaacson | 08:07

Qatar, Israel-Gaza War, Yair Netanyahu

How Yair Netanyahu is complicating hostage negotiations

Yair Netanyahu's verbal sparring might affect ongoing efforts to secure the release of hostages and maintain regional stability.

Gila Isaacson | 07:15

Israel-Gaza war, Hamas, IDF

A senior security official confirms: the phase of the intense war in Gaza is over

A senior official in the security establishment confirms in a conversation with News 14 that the phase of the intensified war in the Gaza Strip has ended, and we are now in the third phase.

Eliana Fleming | 14.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hamas, IDF

Senior Defense Official:  Stage 2 of IDF fighting in Gaza is over

The IDF will shift its focus to controlling strategic routes and will also conduct targeted raids in the Gaza Strip.

Gila Isaacson | 14.07.24

Politics, United States

Netanyahu: "This wasn't just an attack on Donald Trump. This was an attack on America." | Watch

Prime Minister Netanyahu released a video condemning the assassination attempt on Donald Trump yesterday. Watch:

Avi Woolf | 14.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Report: Hamas blocking access to Mohammad Deif's body

Hamas has reportedly made the hospital at Deir el-Balah - where the wounded and killed from the strike were evacuated - into a fortified site, in order to deny the IDF access and the ability to confirm that one of the bodies belongs to Deif himself.

Avi Woolf | 14.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF: Strike in Nusseirat was against terror base located inside UNRWA school

The IDF said that it took many precautions to avoid harming civilians before launching the strike against the base.

Avi Woolf | 14.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, United States

Ynet: Netanyahu to meet with Biden two days before speech to Congress

Members in the Biden administration had previously expressed concerns as to the content of the speech due to the tensions between the two during the war.

Avi Woolf | 14.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Confirmed: Hamas Khan Yunis brigade commander eliminated

Rafa'a Salameh, commander of Hamas' Khan Yunis Brigade and a close associate of Mohammad Deif, was confirmed killed in the strike targeting Deif.

Avi Woolf | 14.07.24

US attempted assassination, Trump, Israel

"Haaretz: After Trump, we must secure the Attorney General"

Following the shocking assassination attempt on formal US president Donald Trump, Israel is calling for heightened security for those being threatened within the Israeli government, including the Prime Minister, and the attorney general.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 14.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Shin Bet Director: Deif strike killed 25 participants in October 7

In a recorded statement during a situational assessment, Shin Bet Director Ronen Bar said that the operation was "intelligence based and surgical." 

Avi Woolf | 14.07.24