Jerusalem Day. For the first time in decades and perhaps centuries, a Jew walked on the Temple Mount wrapped in tefillin.
The Jew in question is Michael Puah, a religious Zionist social activist who managed to sneak in the tefillin and put it on while on the Mount. This is a violation of the antisemitic Muslim prohibition on introducing Jewish holy items onto the Mount grounds. The police ignored this at first but then took him off the mount and detained him for questioning. Former MK Moshe Feiglin also went up with Puah.
Elsewhere, Jews prayed in a minyan (without tallit and tefillin) and even had a priestly blessing. They said "Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuto" at the end of the blessing instead of Amen - as is customary on the Temple Mount.
Hundreds of Jews ascended to the Temple Mount from the morning hours. Dozens of them were detained by the police after singing or waving an Israeli flag.