Hostage Crisis

Report: Egypt sabotaged hostage deal

CNN reported that senior White House officials blamed Egypt for sabotaging  negotiations in favor of Hamas.

Abdel El-Sisi (Photo: Shutterstock)

A CNN report from sources in the White House reveals that Egypt changed the terms that Israel agreed to for a hostage deal with Hamas, causing a complete collapse in talks.

According to senior officials in the Biden administration, Israel agreed to the proposal that was on the table, which was reached in long and complex negotiations between the parties, directed by the United States, Qatar and Egypt itself.

The surprise announcement from Hamas following the break in negotiations was based on improved conditions that Egypt presented to it, and included concessions that were never on the table. According to those close to the Biden administration, "all the negotiating partners were stunned by the Hamas announcement which was contrary to all previous agreements."

The source explains that the changes were made by the heads of the Egyptian intelligence who were involved in negotiations, and that this provoked great anger on the part of Israel. The sources pointed out: "we were imprisoned - all of us."

Those close to President Biden explained that the changes were made by deputy head of Egyptian intelligence, Ahmed Abdel-Khalek. According to the Americans, Khalek "would sell fairy tales to both sides, telling the Israeli side one thing and promising Hamas something completely different."

In addition, according to reports, all the negotiating partners felt significant embarrassment around the event, with the head of the CIA, Bill Burns, who arrived in Cairo specifically to secure a hostage deal, taking it especially hard. "Burnes almost exploded with rage, he felt very embarrassed by the Egyptian move," they were quoted as saying.

In addition, the report claims that even Qatar apologized to Israel for the Egyptian ruse, and that senior Qatari officials informed Mossad chief, Dadi Barnea, that they had no part in the move.


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