Northern Front

Report: Hezbollah to change its strategy against Israel

Hezbollah will reportedly launch more UAVs from hiding places close to the border area and try to infiltrate Israel with the goal of acquiring data on key targets.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (Photo: Shutterstock)

After the death of approximately 296 Hezbollah operatives since the beginning of the war in Gaza, the terrorist organization has reportedly decided to change its strategy in fighting against Israel in order to reduce losses.

According to the Lebanese newspaper "Al-Diyar," Hezbollah is taking the following steps:

1. Withdrawing the forces from the border with Israel.

2. From now on, small squads consisting of 3-4 terrorists will operate in observation posts and target identification.

3. Hezbollah will prioritize launching UAVs from hideouts close to the Israeli border so that the IDF is not able to identify and target terrorist operatives instead of firing anti-tank missiles at Israeli positions.

4. In addition, the organization plans to send operatives beyond the Israeli border for espionage missions and selecting quality targets.


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