Israel-Gaza War, Great Britain

UK demands from Israel: Allow Red Cross to visit Hamas terrorists 

Britain demanded that Israel to allow representatives of the Red Cross to visit the Hamas terrorists who participated in the Oct. 7th massacre. It also threatened to stop the supply of weapons to the Jewish State if it does not adhere to its demands. 

Oct. 7th terrorists in Israeli jail (Photo: Prison spokesman)

Britain, which is considered to be one of the friendliest countries toward Israel, appealed to senior Israeli officials and demanded that they allow diplomats or Red Cross personnel to visit Hamas terrorists who participated in the Oct. 7th massacre. According to them, this is one of the conditions for continuing to sell weapons to the Jewish State.

British Foreign Minister David Cameron even warned in talks with Israeli officials that if the current situation continues as it is, he will not be surprised if an arms embargo is declared on Israel in Europe as a whole.

Worrying signs that more friendly countries are changing their policies and considering delaying arms shipments or imposing a total embargo on the transfer of weapons to Israel have already been in place, but Britain's demands surprised everyone at the political level.

The British demand to allow visits to October 7th terrorists in detention comes against the background of publications according to which Israel refuses to allow the Red Cross to visit Hamas detainees due to the particularly harsh conditions in which they are held.

About two weeks ago, a team of British lawyers visited Israel. According to the United Kingdom, Israel is acting in violation of international law, which obliges it to hand over a list of detainees to the Red Cross or another international organization and allow visits to take place. But Israel opposes such visits on the grounds that according to international jurisdiction it is not obliged to concur with the demand due to security exceptions.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz even delivered a personal message to British Foreign Minister Cameron through Israel's ambassador to London Tzipi Hotoveli: "This is the time to support the State of Israel and not weaken it. During negotiations for the release of hostages with Hamas, there is no room for measures of this nature (referring to stopping weapons shipments).

We are at a critical point in the talks. Any decision that harms Israel conveys to Hamas that it is possible to withdraw from the negotiations and delay implementation of the deal," added Katz.


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the day hamas will allow the red cross
bb 21.03.24

Israel-Gaza War

Fire in the hole: IDF blows up another tunnel in central Gaza | Watch

The 99th Division discovered and demolished another long terror tunnel in the central Gaza Strip.

Avi Woolf | 14:04

Israel-Hamas, post war plans for Gaza

Report: Israel will cooperate with the Gaza Strip after the war

According to a report in the British newspaper, The Financial Times, Israel is developing a plan for the day after the Gaza war. Among other measures, it involves recruiting Palestinians screened by the IDF and delivering food through them to residents of the Strip.

JFeed Staff | 13:33

IDF, soldier publication

IDF releases name of another fallen soldier in Gaza 

Fallen soldier who was killed in Rafah named as Sergeant Ori Yitzhak Hadad from Beer Sheva.

JFeed Staff | 12:45

Hamas, Israel-Gaza War

Watch: Hamas' Al Qassam brigades' terrifying new video

We know it's propaganda, but it's incredibly scary nonetheless.

Gila Isaacson | 10:38

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF conducts house to house fight in Gaza Strip

The IDF continues to operate in Shejaiya, Rafah, and the central Gaza Strip in search of terrorists and weapons.

Avi Woolf | 09:51

Israel-Gaza War

PM furious at Shifa director's release

Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant were reportedly not informed of the release of the Shifa Hospital director and only learned of it from the media.

Avi Woolf | 09:02

Rockest attack, Southern Israel

Barrage of about 20 missiles on southern Israel

They were fired from the Khan Yunis area. 

Avi Nachmani | 08:14

Hezbollah, Lebanon, Israel-Gaza War

Here's what will happen when Hezbollah attacks Israel

Government strategizes response to potential highway damage, bridge collapses, and port infiltrations amidst rising attacks.

Gila Isaacson | 07:13

Israel-Gaza War, Shifa Hospital

Shifa Hospital director released after arrest for terror activities

Muhammed Abu Salmiya, director of Gaza's Shifa Hospital, arrested in November was released back to Gaza along with dozens of other detainees.

Avi Nachmani | 07:10

Haredim, IDF Draft, Protests

UTJ ministers attacked in Ultra Orthodox protests last night - Here's what we know

Violent clashes erupt in Jerusalem as Ultra-Orthodox protest military conscription.

Gila Isaacson | 06:17

Israel-Hamas war, Gallant debriefing, Gaza

"Hamas will not be able to recover from Israeli operations" - Gallant states in Gaza visit

As Egypt advocates for a ceasefire, Gallant remains resolute in fighting the war until the end: "We will strangle Hamas' supply lines." 

Eliana Fleming | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

AP: UN starts moving tons of aid from US Gaza pier

This action may affect the US' decision on whether or not to keep the pier in operation due to constant maintenance problems.

Avi Woolf | 30.06.24