
Transportation Ministry announces reopening of Terminal 1 for low-cost flights to and from Israel

The decision comes due to increased demand for travel and the need for more space for airlines.

Passenger plane. Illustration. (Photo: PhotonCatcher/Shutterstock)

The Transportation Ministry announced today (Tuesday) that it was reopening Ben Gurion Airport's Terminal 1, due to increased demand for travel to and from Israel and a calmer security situation.

Almost all foreign airlines ended trips to and from Israel when the war began. Although they have begun returning, low-cost airlines like RyanAir have complained about the closure of Terminal 1 during the lull, which increases costs to travellers.

Despite the high cost of operating the terminal - some 200-300 million NIS a year according to Calcalist - the ministry nevertheless decided to reopen the terminal on June 1. Among the justifications was the many reservists who wish to take a vacation after months of fighting in Gaza.


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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

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Israel-Lebanon war, Hezbollah 

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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War, United States

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Israel-Gaza War

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