Channel 14 host Yinon Magal revealed this evening (Wednesday) that Sarah Netanyahu, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s wife, was involved in the Likud’s response to the conclusions of the State Commission of Inquiry into the Meron Disaster.
On his program “The Patriots,” Magal admitted that he didn’t like the Likud’s dismissive response to the commission’s recommendations, revealing that the First Lady was involved in something which led to criticism across the political spectrum:
“I hear that Sarah was involved in this thing. And that annoys me. I hear that Sarah is too often at the office in the Kiryah there. I know that there was also opposition among Netanyahu’s staff. I don’t like this response,” Magal said on the program.
Until today, the Likud has emphatically denied the involvement of Netanyahu’s family in his work, and this is the first time someone close to the Prime Minister has admitted that Sarah Netanyahu was involved in drafting the official response of the Likud party.
Binyamin Netanyahu has in the past asked people to stop criticizing Sarah and his son, on the grounds that they are not involved in his political work. It would appear this is not the case.